Precious Moments Happy Birthday Little Lamb Age 1
From the Precious Moments Collection. Starting
off the Birthday Train comes this adorable lamb with his
warm and fuzzy wishes for a happy first birthday. Each Precious
Moments piece is designed with a special theme that makes
it unique. With a wide s...Read
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Precious Moments Isn't Eight Just Great Age 8
From the Precious Moments Collection. This
rider on the Birthday Train has arrived on the scene just
in time to wish you a happy eighth birthday. Each Precious
Moments piece is designed with a special theme that makes
it unique. With a wide selection...Read
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Precious Moments Wishing You Grr-eatness Age 7
From the Precious Moments Collection. This
delightful rider on the Birthday Train is hoping that birthday
number seven will be just "purfect. Each Precious Moments
piece is designed with a special theme that makes it unique.
With a wide selection of ...Read
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Precious Moments It's Your Birthday Walrus Age 14
From the Precious Moments Collection. Birthday
Train Walrus Age 14. "It's Your Birthday, Live It Up Large."
Each Precious Moments piece is designed with a special theme
that makes it unique. With a wide selection of themes for
different occasions, Pr...Read
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Precious Moments It's Your Birthday Go Bananas Age 15
From the Precious Moments Collection. Birthday
Train Gorilla Age 15. "It's Your Birthday, Go Bananas."
Each Precious Moments piece is designed with a special theme
that makes it unique. With a wide selection of themes for
different occasions, Preciou...Read
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Precious Moments Feline Fine White Tiger Age 16
From the Precious Moments Collection. Birthday
Train White Tiger Age 16. "16 and Feline Fine." Features
a white tiger painted with pearlescent paint for an extra
glow. Each Precious Moments piece is designed with a special
theme that makes it unique....Read
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Precious Moments May Your Birthday Be Warm Baby
From the Precious Moments Collection. This
cute little guy is bringing up the rear of the Birthday
Train with his happy wishes for baby.. Each Precious Moments
piece is designed with a special theme that makes it unique.
With a wide selection of them...Read
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Precious Moments Heaven Bless Your Special Day Age 3
From the Precious Moments Collection. Following
along in the Birthday Train comes this cheerful guy hoping
that birthday number three will be just "swine". Each Precious
Moments piece is designed with a special theme that makes
it unique. With a wide...Read
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Precious Moments God Bless You On Your Birthday Age 2
From the Precious Moments Collection. This
happy fellow continues the Birthday Train bringing birthday
wishes "sealed" with a kiss. Each Precious Moments piece
is designed with a special theme that makes it unique. With
a wide selection of themes for...Read
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Precious Moments May Your Birthday Be Gigantic Age 4
From the Precious Moments Collection. This
Here comes your biggest fan on the Birthday Train trumpeting
wishes for an immensely wonderful fourth birthday. Each
Precious Moments piece is designed with a special theme
that makes it unique. With a wide ...Read
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Precious Moments This Day Is Something To Roar About Age 5
From the Precious Moments Collection. None
other than the king of the jungle is next on the Birthday
Train proclaiming Happy Birthday on your fifth year. Each
Precious Moments piece is designed with a special theme
that makes it unique. With a wide s...Read
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Precious Moments Bless The Days Of Our Youth
From the Precious Moments Collection. This
happy clown leads off the Birthday Train pulling along wishes
for a happy childhood. Each Precious Moments piece is designed
with a special theme that makes it unique. With a wide selection
of themes for dif...Read
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Precious Moments Take Your Time It's Your Birthday Age 11
From the Precious Moments Collection. Birthday
Train Turtles Age 11. "Take Your Time, It's Your Birthday."
Each Precious Moments piece is designed with a special theme
that makes it unique. With a wide selection of themes for
different occasions, Pre...Read
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Precious Moments Panda on Birthday Train Age 12
From the Precious Moments Collection. Birthday
Train Panda Age 12. "Give A Grin And Let The Fun Begin".
Made of porcelain bisque....Read
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Precious Moments You Mean the Moose to Me Age 13
From the Precious Moments Collection. Birthday
Train Moose Age 15. "You Mean the Moose to Me." Each Precious
Moments piece is designed with a special theme that makes
it unique. With a wide selection of themes for different
occasions, Precious Moment...Read
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Precious Moments May Your Birthday Be Mammoth Age 10
From the Precious Moments Collection. This
big fellow is sure to make a big splash as he wishes you
a whale of a time on birthday number ten. Each Precious
Moments piece is designed with a special theme that makes
it unique. With a wide selection of ...Read
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Precious Moments Being Nine Is Just Divine Age 9
From the Precious Moments Collection. This
Birthday Train rider is raring to give you the best wishes
for a happy birthday number nine. Each Precious Moments
piece is designed with a special theme that makes it unique.
With a wide selection of themes...Read
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Precious Moments Keep Looking Up Age 6
From the Precious Moments Collection. Birthday
wishes for your sixth year from this rider on the Birthday
Train will be nearly stratospheric. Each Precious Moments
piece is designed with a special theme that makes it unique.
With a wide selection of ...Read
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