Guitar Mania Skulls and Roses
From the Guitar Mania collection. Skull
and Roses 2003. Each guitar figurine comes with its own
sticker decorated guitar case and stand. Made of resin.
Measures 10" tall. Artists: Stanley Mouse and Alton Kelley
The psychedelic phenomenon spawned in S...Read
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Guitar Mania Animato
From the Guitar Mania collection. Guitar
figurine titled Animato. Made of resin. Measures 11.5" tall.
Heavily influenced by '60s & '70s Pop Art artist Don DiPiero
favors cartoon-like images simplified with bold lines and
vivid color contrasts that re...Read
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Guitar Mania Fender Bender
From the Guitar Mania collection. Guitar
figurine titled Fender Bender. Each comes with its own sticker
decorated guitar case and stand. Made of resin. Measures
10" tall. Sponsor: The Plain Dealer Artist: Michelle Spryshak
Roth Fender-Bender incorpo...Read
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Guitar Mania Technology Rocks
From the Guitar Mania collection. Guitar
figurine titled Technology Rocks. Each comes with its own
sticker decorated guitar case and stand. Made of resin.
Measures 10" tall. Sponsor: Microsoft Artist: Laura Stuehr
The artist feels that in our new ag...Read
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Guitar Mania Miss Shake
From the Guitar Mania collection. Guitar
figurine titled Miss Shake. Each comes with its own sticker
decorated guitar case and stand. Made of resin. Measures
10" tall. Sponsor: Cuyahoga Community College Artist: Daniel
Corrigan Miss Shake on the Lak...Read
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Guitar Mania A Rose By Any Other Name
From the Guitar Mania collection. A Rose
By Any Other Name. Each guitar figurine comes with its own
sticker decorated guitar case and stand. Made of resin.
Measures 10" tall. Sponsor: Medical Mutual of Ohio Artist:
Allison Hoge The rose is romantic,...Read
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Guitar Mania Air Guitar
From the Guitar Mania collection. Air Guitar.
Each guitar figurine comes with its own sticker decorated
guitar case and stand. Made of resin. Measures 10" tall.
Sponsor: Liggett-Stashower, Inc. Artists: Earnie Merritt
and John Lionti Fluffy white cl...Read
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Guitar Mania Bringing Life to the City
From the Guitar Mania collection. Bringing
Life to the City. Each guitar figurine comes with its own
sticker decorated guitar case and stand. Made of resin.
Measures 10" tall. Sponsor: Moen Incorporated Artist: Irene
M. Sukie With a theme of abstrac...Read
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Guitar Mania Moments in Time Peace
From the Guitar Mania collection. Moments
in Time Peace. Each guitar figurine comes with its own sticker
decorated guitar case and stand. Made of resin. Measures
10" tall. Sponsor: Thompson Hine LLP Artist: Lisa Eastman
Serene moments of time are re...Read
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Guitar Mania Proud
From the Guitar Mania collection. Proud.
Each guitar figurine comes with its own sticker decorated
guitar case and stand. Made of resin. Measures 10" tall.
Sponsor: McDonald Investments Inc. Artist: Martin Boyle
The peacock, in all its full-feathere...Read
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Guitar Mania America's Pastime Baseball
From the Guitar Mania collection. America's
Pastime. Each guitar figurine comes with its own sticker
decorated guitar case and stand. Made of resin. Measures
10" tall. Sponsor: Cuyahoga Community College, East Campus
Artist: Victoria Heitman This gu...Read
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Guitar Mania Hot Rod Guitar
From the Guitar Mania collection. Hot Rod
Guitar. This figurine is very highly detailed. Does not
include case or stand. Measures 10" long. Sponsor: Arras
Group Artist: Arras Creative Team With its vibrant flames
and racing wing, this guitar capture...Read
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Guitar Mania Flaming Guitar 1967
From the Guitar Mania collection. Flaming
Guitar 1967. Each guitar figurine comes with its own sticker
decorated guitar case and stand. Made of resin. Measures
10" tall. Artist: Stan Fey Mouse A lifetime of memories
is unleashed looking back at June ...Read
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Guitar Mania Blue Angel 1977
From the Guitar Mania collection. Blue Angel
1977. Each guitar figurine comes with its own sticker decorated
guitar case and stand. Made of resin. Measures 10" tall.
Artist: Stanley Mouse Then came the British invasion! Led
Zeppelin's first tour of t...Read
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Guitar Mania Captured 1981
From the Guitar Mania collection. Captured
1981. Each guitar figurine comes with its own sticker decorated
guitar case and stand. Made of resin. Measures 10" tall.
Artist: Stanley Mouse Journey, the kings of adult oriented
rock, sought out Stanley Mo...Read
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Guitar Mania Dancing Queen
From the Guitar Mania collection. Guitar
figurine titled Dancing Queen. Comes with its own sticker
decorated, foam padded guitar case and stand. Made of resin.
Measures 10" tall. Sponsor: Jo-Ann Stores Artist: Maureen
Cavotta This guitar is a lovely...Read
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Guitar Mania Rising City Soaring World
From the Guitar Mania collection. Guitar
figurine titled Rising City/Soaring World. Includes guitar
stand. Made of resin. Measures 10" tall. Sponsor: Wachovia
Securities, Inc. Artist: Irene M. Sukle Flanked by airy
wings, the abstract city rises fro...Read
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Guitar Mania La Bamba
From the Guitar Mania collection. Guitar
figurine titled La Bamba. Comes with its own sticker decorated,
foam padded guitar case and stand. Made of resin. Measures
10" tall. Artist: Joe Walsh A guitar in the hands of legendary
Joe Walsh is a work of ...Read
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Guitar Mania Rock the House that Love Built
From the Guitar Mania collection. Guitar
figurine titled Rock the House that Love Built. Comes with
its own sticker decorated, foam padded guitar case and stand.
Made of resin. Measures 10" tall. Sponsor: MBNA America
on Behalf of The Ronald MacDonal...Read
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Guitar Mania Rock Hall City
From the Guitar Mania collection. Guitar
figurine titled Rock Hall City. Comes with its own sticker
decorated, foam padded guitar case and stand. Made of resin.
Measures 10" tall. Sponser: VNA Healthcare Partners of Ohio
Artist: Mike Prunty Clevelan...Read
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Guitar Mania Blue Rocks
From the Guitar Mania collection. Guitar
figurine titled Blue Rocks. Comes with guitar stand and
case. Made of resin. Measures 10" tall. An abstract, artistic
interpretation in blue and white, the artists use blue as
a metaphor for the musical genre ...Read
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Guitar Mania Experience the Creativity
From the Guitar Mania collection. Guitar
figurine titled Experience the Creativity. Comes with guitar
stand and case. Made of resin. Measures 10" tall. This guitar
is a tribute to one of the legendary guitarists of all time
and one of the most innova...Read
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Guitar Mania Mind Bender Fender
From the Guitar Mania collection. Guitar
figurine titled Mind Bender Fender. Comes with guitar stand
and case. Made of resin. Measures 10" tall. This vibrant
guitar featuring swirling optic black, white and red paint
gives the viewer a sense of energ...Read
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Guitar Mania Happy Hour
From the Guitar Mania collection. Guitar
figurine titled Happy Hour. Comes with its own foam padded
guitar case and stand. Made of resin. Measures 10" tall.
Inspired by happy hour when the music of Clevelanders surfaces
after a hard day's work, this ...Read
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Guitar Mania Masterblasterstratocaster Lamp
From the Guitar Mania collection. Guitar
Mania Masterblasterstratocaster Lamp. Made of resin. Measures
8.5" x 18.75" tall. Has an on/off switch on the light socket
under the shade and takes up to a 60 watt standard sized
bulb (not included). Sponsor:...Read
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Guitar Mania Air Guitar Lamp
From the Guitar Mania collection. Guitar
Mania Air Guitar Lamp. Made of resin. Measures 8.5" x 18.75"
tall. Has an on/off switch on the light socket under the
shade and takes up to a 60 watt standard sized bulb (not
included). Sponsor: Liggett-Stasho...Read
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Guitar Mania Creative Hands in Harmony
From the Guitar Mania collection. Guitar
figurine titled Creative Hands in Harmony. Comes with guitar
stand and case. Made of resin. Measures 10" tall. The design
is an adoption of healing symbols and colors used by Native
American tribes. The Cuyaho...Read
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Guitar Mania Jungle Jam
From the Guitar Mania collection. Guitar
figurine titled Jungle Jam. Comes with guitar stand and
case. Made of resin. Measures 10" tall. The artist's goal
was to create a highly stylized fantasy jungle through the
placement of animals, color, flowers...Read
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Guitar Mania Legal Eagle
From the Guitar Mania collection. Guitar
figurine titled Legal Eagle. Comes with guitar stand and
case. Made of resin. Measures 10" tall. Legal Eagle features
two of our national symbols fighting for truth, justice
and the American way, through the l...Read
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Guitar Mania Raving Fans
From the Guitar Mania collection. Guitar
figurine titled Raving Fans. Comes with guitar stand and
case. Made of resin. Measures 10" tall. Raving fans scream
out their enthusiasm and passion for the rock band playing
on stage. Bright spotlights shine ...Read
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Guitar Mania Music's Sentry
From the Guitar Mania collection. Guitar
figurine titled Music's Sentry. Made of resin. Measures
10.5" tall. This brilliantly animated guitar sculpture is
completely enveloped by a dragon passionately watching over
music as he strums the guitar. The ...Read
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Guitar Mania Day and Night
From the Guitar Mania collection. Guitar
figurine titled Day and Night. Each comes with its own sticker
decorated guitar case and stand. Made of resin. Measures
10" tall. Sponsor: United Way of Greater Cleveland Artist:
Natalya Romanovsky The artist...Read
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Guitar Mania Cactus Guitar
From the Guitar Mania collection. Guitar
figurine titled Cactus. Comes with its own foam padded guitar
case and stand. Made of resin. Measures 10.75" tall. Guitar
Mania, a public art project in Cleveland, featured 10 foot
high decorated fiberglass re...Read
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Guitar Mania Rocker Chopper
From the Guitar Mania collection. Guitar
figurine titled "Rocker Chopper." Comes with its own foam
padded guitar case and stand. Made of resin. Measures 4"
tall. Guitar Mania, a public art project in Cleveland, featured
10 foot high decorated fibergl...Read
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Guitar Mania The Beagles: We All Live In A Yellow Labmarine
From the Guitar Mania collection. Guitar
figurine titled "The Beagles: We All Live In a Yellow Labmarine."
Comes with its own foam padded guitar case and stand. Made
of resin. Measures 10" tall. Guitar Mania, a public art
project in Cleveland, featur...Read
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Guitar Mania Phoenician Dream
From the Guitar Mania collection. Guitar
figurine titled Phoenician Dream. Comes with its own foam
padded guitar case and stand. Made of resin. Measures 10"
tall. Guitar Mania, a public art project in Cleveland, featured
10 foot high decorated fiberg...Read
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