
Wild - Creativity
Enesco Gifts 114896 $25.00
are inherently creative. We create dinner from nothing
& confidence with a touch. Fruitful in yield, we create
the future through the children we gift to the world.
We are wonderful, creative, constant, always re-creating

Wild - I Am Blessed
Enesco Gifts 114897 $25.00
may never paint a masterpiece or write a novel or sing
on a stage, orchestrate world peace. But when I look at
you I know that you are my masterpiece. You are music
from Heaven. You are me peace."

Wild - Love
Enesco Gifts 114893 $25.00
have learned that my heart cannot really break. That no
matter how much love I give away there is always more
to share. That when we shared, love will grow and strengthen."

Wild - Management
Enesco Gifts 114895 $25.00
I was told to manage better… well, I have managed
to raise healthy kids who say please & thank you,
& attend school everyday in clean clothes. I manage
to do my job well, be kind to my fellow man, provide groceries,
kisses, moral support and algebra guidance. I manage to
love well, live truthfully, and share what I learn. U
manage just fine, thank-you!"

Wild - Wisdom
Gifts 114894 $25.00
my eyesight may not be as sharp now, I see more clearly.
Sometimes my back may be a little stiff, but I am more
flexible. Life is always changing, and I have learned
- learned to reach for what is important, bend when necessary."

Enesco Gifts 117012 $25.00
planning, private worship, another day of wonder life.
Good morning dawn! It is time to set my sleep dreams aside;
there are day's dreams to live."

Enesco Gifts 117010 $25.00
skies & quiet sighs; time now to reflect on my day and
ask, did I make a difference, did I hold a hand, do my best?
Let the sun set. I will use what I learned today to make
tomorrow even better." |

Gazing Ball
Enesco Gifts 117177 $27.50
knows only the boundaries of vision, the walls of curiosity,
and the wisdom of understanding that flows from experience.
Look inward, reach upward, gaze thoughtfully." |

Enesco Gifts 117011 $25.00
you for this wise evening; each star is a life I can touch;
each cricket a voice I can listen to. This is my quiet
time, before dreams, to remember what gifts I have been